
Poster for an IUA play titled "Strákarnir Okkar" by Anna Kristín.

Poster for an IUA play titled "Strákarnir Okkar" by Anna Kristín.

Poster for an IUA play titled "Strákarnir Okkar" by Anna Kristín.

Poster for "Stelpur og Strákar", a play by Dennis Kelly. Directed by Annalísa Hermannsdóttir. Actor is Björk Guðmundsdóttir. Toured around Iceland 2022 and played in Tjarnarbíó Theatre 2023.

Poster for "Stelpur og Strákar", a play by Dennis Kelly. Directed by Annalísa Hermannsdóttir. Actor is Björk Guðmundsdóttir. Toured around Iceland 2022 and played in Tjarnarbíó Theatre 2023.

Poster for play "Sexy funny jól" in Tjarnarbíó.

Borgarholtsskóli School Paper 2023.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

Poster for Improv Ísland.

'Hringavitleysa' IUA play by Inga Steinunn

'El Grillo' Radio Play by Magnús Thorlacius

'El Grillo' Radio Play by Magnús Thorlacius

'Komin á leið' IUA Play by Björg Steinunn

'Þetta fullorðna fólk er svo skrýtið' Podcast with Annalísa Hermannsdóttir and Björk Guðmundsdóttir. Photography by Gunnlöð Jóna.

'Þetta fullorðna fólk er svo skrýtið' Podcast with Annalísa Hermannsdóttir and Björk Guðmundsdóttir. Photography by Gunnlöð Jóna.

'Þetta fullorðna fólk er svo skrýtið' Podcast with Annalísa Hermannsdóttir and Björk Guðmundsdóttir. Photography by Gunnlöð Jóna.

'Cursed' IUA Play

'Og svo er nótt' IUA Graduation Play by Annalísa Hermannsdóttir.

Poster for 00:01 Release Concert with Annalísa.

Poster for 00:01 Release Concert with Annalísa.

Vinyl for 00:01 Release Concert with Annalísa.

'Stelpur & Strákar' Play by Dennis Kelley.

'Hagvöxtur' Logo for a theatre troupe.

'Hagvöxtur' Logo for a theatre troupe.

'Beðið eftir klóstinu' IUA Graduation Play 2022.


Ógleymanlegur söngleikur um ást, dauða og vonbrigði - School Play 2019

Ógleymanlegur söngleikur um ást, dauða og vonbrigði - School Play 2019

Lífið er eitt stórt surprise Party - IUA Graduation Play

YSYS - instagram story

YSYS - instagram story

'HJÖL' Icelandic Craft Beer

'HJÖL' Icelandic Craft Beer

'AABA' Performance Collective